Free R Resources

A list of useful and free resources for learning to analyse data with R

Steven Senior
2 min readSep 17, 2019

There are lots of free resources that I’ve come across for learning to do various things in R. I keep seeing them and then forgetting about them. So I have made a list.

I’ll try to add things to it. Suggestions are very welcome.

It’s worth saying how great it is that there’s all this free stuff out there. Thanks to the authors and publishers for making that possible. If like me, you like physical books, I’m sure buying these books probably helps encourage people to put them out there for free.

Also, a caveat: I haven’t read all of these. So no promises of quality. Reviews very welcome.

Learning to use R

More advanced R programming

Data visualisation

Specific statistical topics

Producing reproducible documents, blogs, and books

Most of these are from You can browse the full list of books there using this link. Be warned: they’re not all completely finished.

Updates 23 July 2022

Causal inference

Not strictly about R but many R users will be interested in drawing causal conclusions from data and there’s a ballooning selection of free resources available. Some of which are:

Epidemiology & Public Health



Steven Senior

Consultant in public health. Recovering government policy wonk. Lapsed neuroscientist. Opinions strictly my own.